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Phnom Pros & Phnom Srei: The name of the two hills translates as “Male hill” and “Female hill” respectively. Local legend has it that two teams, one of men and the other of women, toiled by night to be the first to construct a stupa on their summit by day-break. The women built a big fire, which the men took to be the rising sun and gave up work. The women, having won, no longer had to ask for the man’s hand in marriage. Phnom Srei has good views of the countryside during the wet season. 
Is the historical site located at 2.2 Kilometer distance from the Kampong Cham provincial town along the National road N0 7 (Phnom Penh- Kampong Cham) in 12-kilometer distance and turn left more 200 Metres. The temple can be accessible by all types of vehicles. In the temple site is divided into:
Tonle Om: Size 400 Meters x 500 Meters located at the East of the temple in approximate 300-metres distance from the temple.
First long building: Size 421 Metres x 371 Metres made of late rite stone of 2.9-meter height and 2.4-metre length. Now, most part of this long building has broken.
In the area of the first long building included: 
·    Six Lions: Located at the entrance of the second long building; the entrance has two-metre width. 
·    Eight dragons: Located behind the six lions.
·    Two devils: Stand at both sides of the entrance.
Second long building
·    Two statues of Te Cho Dam Din 
·    Two devils each have 1.6-metre height. 
·    Two ponds each has size 20 Metre x 20 Metre; the two ponds are not dried during the dry season.
Third long building: Is thicker than the first and the second and has accesses from the four directions. In the third long building, there are:  
·    In front of the entrance, there is an eight-hand statue of Preah Norey
·    At the left-hand side, there is a four-hand statue of Preah Norey
Fourth long buidling: Made of late rite stone; it is separate and different from the first, second and third because it has accesses from the 12 directions. If we enter into the middle of the temple, we notice a high mid-peak made of sandstone with Buddhist statue facing to the four directions of East, West, North and South.
Nor Kor Ba Chey temple has wide location; it is not smaller than other temples in Cambodia. The temple is the main gathering place for the people in Kampong Cham province, and other provinces and municipalities. The temple was building in 11th century.
Located at Thmor Da village, Boeung Peay Commune and at Thmey village, Kroch Commune, Prey Chhor District in distance of 39 kilometers from the provincial town. The resort was organized in AD 1005 during the reign of King, Sorya VarmanI. The construction of Pheah Theat Teuk Chha temple was arranged by Mr. Chung Chheal (Cheak Teak Kho Leah or Dr. Lak Sin Trak); the place of Pheah Theat Teuk Chha called Srey Kon Trei Svarak; the two Buddhist statues called Bornesvarak and and Sorak Svati; in front of the temple, there is another temple, the small residence of angel. 
In the Preah Theat Teuk Chha resort, there are 551 small temples characterizing Buddhism and Brahmanism. King, Sorya Varman I agreed with the proposal set up and he contributed a lot of his properties as the mean for constructing the temple. Dr. Chung Chheal or Dr. Lak Sey Trak started constructing the temple by his property and his intellect as well as encouraging people to contribute their property.
At the middle of the big temple, there is Linga of Siva called Srey Pheak Tre Svarak flanked by two statues, namely: Bo Rak Me Svarak and Sorak Svati.

At the East, in front of the Linga, there is another small cavern, the angel resident, now the cavern is dumped by stones in the forest, at the canal of the waterfall, there ins only one door-frame remains to proof the fact.
At the right hand side of the temple, where the architect takes measure to excavate a large pond called Leakin Trak Dak, at the middle of the pond where a golden Linga was built. At the surrounding of the area, there is a wealthy village, which has been set up by gathering the neighboring people to live in that village altogether at that time. So it makes the atmosphere of this new city crowded and cheerful. 
After the arrangement of this new city finished, Dr. Leak Sin Trak brought news to inform the King, Sorya Varman; the king when to splendidly inaugurate this place in AD 1025; at the inauguration ceremony, the king provided resources like equipment, 29 soldiers, rice field around the temple, all ponds and big courts for festival celebration or decorating furniture. Also, the king named this place Leaksin Trak Bot abiding by the name of the Doctor, the builder.
Then, due to the change of history, this place became the sacrificing place for religions because from reign to reign, the kings clings to different religions, some cling to Brahmanism, some cling to Teravada Buddhism and some cling to Buddhism. So the temple of Preah Theat Teuk Chha has until 551 temples included Buddhism and Brahmanism temples as well as the temples for keeping statues of heroes who have sacrificed their life for the nation.
The war destroyed everything and seriously damaged temples like some temples do not exist names and figure. Nowadays, by the participation from people and monks of pagodas have tried to search for location, names and fundamental location of old temples in order to have them renovated. Some of those renovated temples made of wood with tile roofing and some made of concrete.
Next to the temple, there is a canal existing since the ancient time, the canal has water for year round, either dry or raing seasons; this water is clear and non-stopped flowing which leads to attracting tourists to enjoy it happily.
On either side of the clear-water canal, there are plants and trees growing, but now these plants and trees have been cut off to make a big plain where the wast water spreads out at the rock temple. In order to take advantage from the canal, a dam has been constructed to provide water to big rice fields in Prey Chhor District, Kampong Cham Pronvice and in Ba Ray District, Kampon Thom province. 
Due to the area is the cool place having great quantity of water and cool shadow from the trees that are growing around the ancient temple; these can sometime attract tourists to visit and enjoy during their holiday leading to be well known.
Nowadays, the ancient pond, which we described as the achievement of Dr. Chung Kheal is the wast-water pond located in front of the dam that has been just constructed recently. The canal has water flowing from above and has source at the North in Kampong Cham province; the water flows from the North to the East, when touching a side of the temple, it flows down into a big slit. 
From the ancient time, the slit has been full of water, but there are small currents of water shared from the slit, then flow into rice fields of the surrounding villages such as Kroch village in Sre Chhor District as well. Because of the canal is old, the Ministry of Agriculture has organized a dam for stocking water in order to accelerate the water flow of the canal to thousand Hectars of rice fields in districts of Prey Chhor and Ba Ray.
The canal of Teuk Chha has corner where they can enjoy swimming; if someone like swimming in the shallow water, he can swim in the old canal, North of the dam because the bottom of the old canal has four-meter or five-meter width. The clear water, we can see its bottom with flock of small fish swimming in reverse direction to the water flow. If some one like swimming in deep water, he can swim in a wast water, South of the dam.
Around the Slit of the canal bank, there is a high tree where a shelter to tourists and birds. The water surface of Teuk Chha has appoximate 3-square kilometre size filled by nearly 10 sources at the Northeast Mountain and plateau called “Kbal Teuk”. The tank of stocked water has appoximately more than two-metre depth and pours to three accesses: two accesses via the dam can be closed and opened, and another one is the 10-meter Slit, North of the dam.
The first dam is opened every day; the water flows down sounding as water fall; this can attract tourists to enjoy swimming.
The second dam is opened during the festival days sometime; the water flow is not strong.  
Located at Kro La Commune, Kampong Siem District in Seven- kilometre distance from the provincial town of Kampong Cham or 114-kilometre distance from Phnom Penh with exceeding 500 Metres to the left. The pagoda of Phnom Pros has official name called “What Sovan Kiri Rotanak Phnom Pros”; in 1000 Meters to the North, there is another mountain, which has pointed peak called “Phnom Srey”. 
North of the Phnom Srey, there are ranks of mountains such as mountains of Dang Rek, Ba Ley and Chhuk.  
The mountain of Pros has dull peak and has approximate 30-metre height. It can be reached by road until the top. At the top, there are a high-five peak temple adapted the model of Bontey Srey temple and two pagodas closed to each other: one is the old pagodas having two peaks built in Sang Kum Reas Niyum time and the other one is being built.
Under the temple, there is a big statue having 15-metre height built by the first dead of pagoda, named Keo So. At the mountain base, there are Kot for monks staying. In addition, at the top of Pros Mountain we can view the beautiful scene of Kampong Cham province.
From 1975-1979, the mountain of Pros was a big detention place for torturing Cambodian people in Kampong Cham province.
The mountain of Srey has pointed peak and can be climbed up by 308 Stair steps. At the top, there is a ruined temple, which has no monks, bit only nuns who stay there for maintaining and collecting contribution to rebuild the temple.
In this resort, there are many local people who go there during the Khmer traditional festivals such as Khmer New Year and Pchum Ben.
Is an ancient site located at the Southeast of Kampong Cham province, at Prey Nor Kor village, Daun Tey Commune, Ponhea Krek district in the distance of 42 Kilometers from the provincial town of Kampong Cham. 
Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krov temple can be accessible by the National Road No 7 and turn right by a trail at Dam Nak Cha village. This resort has five trails at the public gathering place of Daun Tey Commune such as:
·    The trail at the public gathering place of Knar has six-kilometre distance.
·    The distance from the main road to Preah Theat is five kilometers.
·    The distance from the trail to Kon Dol Chrum is five kilometers.  
·    The distance from the trail to Dam Nak Cha is 10 Kilometres.  
·    The distance from Poan Chrey to Prey Nor Kor Knong is 5.3 Kilometres.  
The resort of Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krov temple is the gathering place where the local people and tourists meet each other for enjoying popular games and religious purpose during the traditional festival.
The Temple of Prey Nor Kor has the same form to the temple of Sam Bour Prey Kuk and it was built in the 9th century. Until the assassinated plan set up by the princess of Kun Bot and he had mobilized troop to fight against the princess until he achieved success.
Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krov temple has 2500-square meter landarea consisting of:  
·    Thum Temple: Located on high hill of the Khoeun of present temple. It included three temples made of solid brick: one at the left was completely damaged and other two temples remain good forms. Inside these two temples, there are some statues and broken ancient objects remain. The local people there believe that the temples has been protected and maintained by sacred spirit because if tourists would like to photograph the two temples, they should light incense to pray for allowance first otherwise the picture of the two temples do not appear in their cameras.
·    Preah Theat Temple: Located at the East of Thum temple. It included six temples, which were damaged by war. At the present, there is one temple remains but it is almost collapsed because of thief’s who dig the place to find treasure.
·    Preay Theat Pond: Located at the Northeast of the Thum temple. At that time, there was a Pond called Ku Teuk.  
·    Koh An Det or Kor Prak: or another name called Sras Toem located at the North of the village, and has 30-metre length and 20-metres width.
·    Tum Nup or Kam Pheng Poat Chum Vinh: Located around the city of Prey Nor Kor Knong-Krov and was planted the complex wild bamboo, which make it impossible to go through.
·    This dam has approximate 10-metre height, 15-metre vertical angle, and square angle; each angle has 2,500 Metres. Some parts of the dam have been damaged.

Is the ancient site located at the Southeast of Kampong Cham province; it located at Preah Theat Thmor Da village, Preah Theat commune, Ou Rang Au District. 
This pagoda has 38-kilometre distance from Kampong Cham province and can be reached by the National Road No 7 and turning by the Road No 11 to Au Rang Au District, then continuing more eight kilometers by a trail. The area of the pagoda has 190-metres length and 160-metre width consisting of a Preah Theat temple and a big pond with clear water called “Tonle Sor Nguot”; the pond has 950-metres length and 180-metres width.
At the right hand side of the entrance, there is a temple called “Preah Chol Niphean temple”, before, there was a statue of Buddhist who achieved nirvana, but now, it disappear because of thief stealing.
The statues worshipped by our people in this area included:  
·    The statue of Atitep Vetayak Wann
·    The statue of Atitep Ve Ro 
·    The statue of Ang Krong Pleung
·    The statue of Atitep Kong Chak 
·    The statue of Atitep Hek Pous
·    The statue of Atitep Srey Krup Leak
·    The statue of Atitep Tous Muk  
Behind the temple, there is another Me Ruk-Me Na, which was built in French Colonial time. At the front door, there is a Me Ruk with a ruined fronton made of sandstone; inside the Me Ruk, there is a sculpture of Hoa Thi Neang Oup Meapak Vo Tey who is worshipped by Brahmanism.
It is believe that if we drop a coconut into the hole of Me Ruk, the coconut will appear at the middle of the lake where the old temple located.
Han Chey Mountain has official name “Chey Kiri Mountain” located at the East of Kampong Cham province, at the northern part of Mekong River. This resort located at Han Chey village, Han Chey commune, Kampong Siem District in the distance of 18 kilometres by water and 20 kilometres by land. 
The mountain can be climbed up by 295 beautiful stair steps, and has pagoda and the temple of Kuk made of ancient solid bricks each has seven-square meter size. In addition, there is another temple having square shape made of sandstone located at the North of pagoda; at the valley of the mountain, there is another temple called “Pra Sat Neang Khmao” made of stones each has seven-square metre size.
The mountain of Han Chey has beautiful scenary and also has many visitors; the international visitors who go there as group by boat. Recently, there are many tourist sites have been found in the province Kampong Cham, but not yet operated for tourists to visit. Along the Mekong River, there are a beautiful bank and island of Pen, which have been needed by the provincial visitors who visit there during the Khmer New Year festival.
Chor Cha & Sanlogn Hills
Classification: Nature Wildlife Preserves
Location: National Road No. 6, Chealear Commune, BaTheay District
Accessibility: 86 km (2h:15mn) From Provincial Town
Koh Pen beach
Classification: Operations of Recreation Park and Beaches 
Location: Kampong Cham & Kampong Siem District
Accessibility: 2km (2mn) From Provincial Town
Chroy  Chek
Classification: Nature Wildlife Preserves
Location: National Road No.7, Veal Kreal Village, Trean Commune, Kampong Siem District
Accessibility: 17km (30mn) From Provincial Town

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